During a fluffy human interest story on Wednesday's NBC Today about a man in Holland who built a full-size replica of the biblical Noah's Ark, correspondent Janet Shamlian turned serious for a moment, wondering: "But how realistic is this Dutchman's dream of doom? Because of global warming, the concept of a flood happening here is not unheard of."
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Shamlian touted how "Al Gore predicted as much in the movie, 'An Inconvenient Truth,'" followed by a clip of Gore lecturing in the film: "If Greenland broke up and melted, this is what would happen to the sea level in the Netherlands, absolutely devastating."
Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/kyle-drennen/2011/06/22/nbc-thinks-real-life-noahs-ark-could-be-needed-global-warming-apocalyp#ixzz1Q89MYMn7